Shamanic Drum made with Goat Skin Available
I would like to invite the buyer into the experience of creating of the drum letting the person to chose the decoration ribbon, also the colours of the weaving at back, also the fabric pattern for the drum beater.
The drum is a vibrant entity, in which they inhabit the spirit of the tree with which the frame was made of, the spirit of the animal that gave its skin, & the spirit of the one who gave it with its energy the breath of life.
Each drum is unique, just like us. The more we get in tune with him, the more revelations will be shown to us.
During the weaving process, I enter into a deep gestation connection with this instrument that is yet to be born, it is a creative process, where all the attention, patience, and temperance is required.
Every drum beat you will play will be expanding that personal medicine that YOU have discovered & you will be expanding its voice and light to the world.
One of the many tools that people (Therapists, Medicine People, Shamans…) use to question what they think they know is the sacred drum. Drumming is perhaps the oldest form of active meditation known to mankind.
You can help with a wide variety of topics, such as:
– The recovery of lost aspects of the soul
– The release of unhealthy organisms
– The resolution of conflicts within the unconscious
– The transformation of negative energy from past traumas into positive energy helping people who feel repressed emotions
– Healing unhealthy patterns and habits.
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